On dancing and braiding
£25 / £12.50 concessions (inc. lunch and refreshments)
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10am-5pm, Fri 17 May 2019
Site gallery,
1 Brown Street, Sheffield
Launching AlgoMech Festival, an interdisciplinary symposium bringing together perspectives from digital media, choreography & dance technology, traditional Andean and Ancient Greek textiles, e-textiles, philology, live coding and architecture. Through talks, discussion and performance, contributors to the symposium will consider their work in the context of interlacing within and between textiles, e-textiles, pattern, structure and movement, including dance. Interfaces between materials, craft technologies, digital engineering, responsive systems, embodied communications, threads, inter-weaving, intertwining, braiding and building will provide a rich vein of dialogue, experimentation and recent practice-led outcomes.
10:00 - 17:00 - Symposium (coffee from 09:30)
Note that following the symposium will be the AlgoMech festival exhibition launch event with dance performance and screening. See https://algomech.com/2019/ for details
Textile as interface
Victoria Mitchell
Session chair
Kate Sicchio (Dance and Media Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University)
Talk: Making movement pattern through language
Berit Greinke (University of Arts, Berlin)
Talk: Crafting holes in space with textiles
In and Out of Weaving
Thea Pitman (Latin American Studies, University of Leeds)
Session chair
Sandra de Berduccy (E-textile artist, Bolivia)
Talk: Deep weave: Complex structures inside a soft thinking machine
Toni Buckby (Textiles and Digital Media, Sheffield Hallam/V&A)
Talk: Interlace project: Open source weaving in Derby Silk Mill Museum of Making
Interlacing structures in time and place
Ellen Harlizius-Klück (PENELOPE Project, Deutsches Museum Munich)
Session chair
Victoria Mitchell (Norwich University of Arts)
Talk: Braiding & dancing
Marina Castan Cabrero (Textiles, Royal College of Art, London)
Talk: Textile architecture (provisional title)
Threads and technologies on the move
Rosamaria Kostic Cisernos (Dance research, Coventry University)
Talk: Weaving in Flamenco (provisional title)
Dave Griffiths (Generalist, FoAM Kernow)
Talk: Penelopean technology - woven robots
Giovanni Fanfani (PENELOPE Project, Deutsches Museum)
Talk: Interlacing chorality - plaiting, braiding, and weaving in ancient Greek choral performances