08 Nov. 2017 - 12 Nov. 2017
Access space labs,
14-16 Fitzalan Square, Sheffield
Exhibition of algorithmic and mechanical movement. The exhibition will open with our Open Platform event and run through the festival.
Opening times for main exhibition on Fitzalan Square:
Weds 8th Nov: 6-8pm, opening and open platform (booking is essential)
Thurs 9th Nov: 2-6pm
Fri 10th Nov: 2-6pm
Sat 11th Nov: 10-6pm
Sun 12th Nov: 10-6pm
Opening times for Sona's Unmaking Acoustics installation, Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre, Sheffield Hallam University:
Sat 11th Nov: 10-4pm
Sat 12th Nov: 10-4pm
Opening times for Failed Experiments installation (in addition to performances):
Sun 12 Nov: 2-6pm

Darren Chouings and TC McCormack
Playing the ends against the middle
New site-specific work developing a platform for the artists’ collaborative practise, where multiple projectors travel on tracks, creating new opportunities for juxtaposition and dialogue between viewer, technology and the projected image. Their collaboration is a critical engagement with the traditions and idioms of the moving image, only in this case there is no fixed image, indeed the image is physically released into the exhibition space, acquiring an autonomous agency.

Julian Rohrhuber and Dave Griffiths
For AlgoMech, Rohrhuber and Griffiths contribute their collaborative work Inca Telefax: Listening to Pre-Columbian administration without understanding a word. The piece is an occasionally broadcasting three-channel sound installation of algorithmically-generated sounds with accompanying images, pixelquipu, on permanent display, which derive their structure from Pre-Columbian quipu. Quipu, sometimes known as ‘talking knots’, took the form of necklace-shaped, coloured, spun and knotted threads which were used for many different, and partly unknown, administrative and scientific tasks. Inca Telefax creates an aural insight into quipu, allowing for an abstracted, contemplative encounter with an ancient form of data collection.
This piece was previously shown at Thinking Out Loud, Open Data Institute London, as part of the Data as Culture exhibition series curated by Hannah Redler.

Penelopean Laboratory
For AlgoMech, PENELOPE team members Ellen Harlizius-Klück, Dave Griffiths, Flavia Carraro, Giovanni Fanfani and Alex McLean will set up a temporary laboratory within the AlgoMech exhibition, including the Pattern Matrix, a tangible device for exploring and understanding woven structures (which will also make an appearance at the Algorave), and pieces of music woven into cloth by Harlizius-Klück.
The PENELOPE project will also be convening our Symposium on Making.

Toni Buckby and Sean Cotterill
sampler [NOUN]
1: A piece of embroidery worked in various stitches as a specimen of skill, typically containing the alphabet and some mottoes.
2: An electronic device for sampling music and sound.
An ongoing collaborative project between live coder, digital artist and musician Sean Cotterill and Toni Buckby, a textile, digital and performance artist.
sampler/sampler is a digital blackwork embroidery stitch emulator, sonification system and sampler. The project explores commonality between sampling practices in digital music and blackwork embroidery - supported by a Professional Development Bursary from a-n The Artist Information Company.

The Quantum Clock
The Quantum Clock is an interactive amplified clock changing speed and behaviour in response to the environment and the spectator's presence. It reminds us that reality is influenced by the perspective of the observer and their measurement instruments. Dedicated to Werner Heisenberg. Made of hacked quartz clock, Arduino, light sensor, proximity sensors, piezo, speakers.

Twenty Thousand Seconds
Twenty Thousand Seconds is an animation of pre-recorded, live-coded algorave visuals slowed down to offer unique views of the performance, re-situated within a reconfigured time-scale. It was originally shown at the ODI Data as Culture exhibition Thinking Out Loud, stretched to last the entirety of the exhibition.

Susanne Palzer
At OPEN PLATFORM/RAP(s)-TwT. we believe you have to be physically present to experience performances. For Algomech 2017 Susanne Palzer has created an installation that will make some TwT (Technology without Technology) performances and related material available as documents for the duration of the festival.
.TwTwT (Technology without Technology with Technology) is trying to loop the Digital and the Analogue (Physical). In computing (Unix/Linux systems) the “.” (period) command executes (runs) shell script and may also change 'environments' of [file] directories. The original physical performances have re-entered the virtual environment as document(ation) and now run as files on a digital platform. Visiting both the physical and the virtual space the audience complete the Digital/Analogue loop and .TwTwT as a performance piece.
Moving the actual physical performances of the digital back into the virtual world raises many questions.. But .TwTwT as an installation is also a comment on digital inclusion/exclusion in the world we live in. If we do not have media access we will not be able to take part or access hardly any current information. Please note you will need a QR code reader to access this piece.

Unmaking acoustics
An installation that analyses and re-sonifies a blend of live and pre-recorded sound to create an interactive audiovisual experience. This installation will active in the Sheaf Exhibition Space - Hertha Ayrton STEM Centre within Sheffield Hallam University, on 11-12 November 10am-4pm. Please refer to our printed programme (available in the main exhibition space) for a map.